Individual support
As a member or partner of the cluster, you benefit from a whole range of services and expertise that we explain below. Through sensible advice from our experts, your innovative project is supported by a team of professionals who are always available to listen to you!

Business model and business plan
A reference tool for any company founder, the business plan structures your project and forms the reference document for obtaining funding from banks. We challenge it and help you to improve it.
Search for funding & financial plan
Our advisors will help you identify your funding needs and direct you to the appropriate sources of funding – whether to bring your project to fruition or to grow your business. We can rely on our regional partners, including, finance&, and Innoviris, among many other solutions.
Grants and subsidies
Working with you, we identify the most relevant regional grants and subsidies according to your company’s needs. We provide you with precise information about the conditions for obtaining funding (in particular through the grants offered by Brussels Economy and Employment).
Partnership opportunities
Depending on your needs, we will inform you about possible partnerships and synergies with other cluster members. The European support team also connects members to European networks.
In view of the crisis, smart digital technologies are increasingly an essential tool for reinventing the audiovisual industry. Discover the tools and support that the cluster can provide to your company.
Legal and urban planning advice
As a start-up or business, you may have legal or urban planning questions. Our team of advisors will analyse your needs and explain the procedures and legislation involved.
Economic transition
Environmental and socio-economic challenges require urgent attention. We support your company’s transition to new, more sustainable and more resilient business models.